Simple Inheritance Program In Java

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Simple Inheritance Program In Java' title='Simple Inheritance Program In Java' />This program describes and demonstrates Simple Program for Friend Function Using C Programming with sample output,definition,syntax. Understanding Inheritance in Java Classes, Superclasses, and Subclasses. Cay S. Horstmann and Gary Cornell explain inheritance, which allows you to create new classes that are built on existing classes. When you inherit from an existing class, you reuse or inherit its methods and fields and you add new methods and fields to adapt your new class to new situations. This technique is essential in Java programming. This chapter is from the book CLASSES, SUPERCLASSES, AND SUBCLASSESObject THE COSMIC SUPERCLASSGENERIC ARRAY LISTSOBJECT WRAPPERS AND AUTOBOXINGMETHODS WITH A VARIABLE NUMBER OF PARAMETERSENUMERATION CLASSESREFLECTIONDESIGN HINTS FOR INHERITANCEChapter 4 introduced you to classes and objects. In this chapter, you learn about inheritance, another fundamental concept of object oriented programming. The idea behind inheritance is that you can create new classes that are built on existing classes. When you inherit from an existing class, you reuse or inherit its methods and fields and you add new methods and fields to adapt your new class to new situations. Monster Hunter 2 Dos For Pc more. This technique is essential in Java programming. As with the previous chapter, if you are coming from a procedure oriented language like C, Visual Basic, or COBOL, you will want to read this chapter carefully. For experienced C programmers or those coming from another object oriented language like Smalltalk, this chapter will seem largely familiar, but there are many differences between how inheritance is implemented in Java and how it is done in C or in other object oriented languages. Inheritance versus composition Which one should you choose A comparative look at two fundamental ways to relate classes. Most often in your Java programs you will find a need to execute system DOS commands. You can execute any system commands that are OS specific and then read the. Explain garbage collection. The Java uses the garbage collection to free the memory. By cleaning those objects that are no longer reference by any of the program. Learn the Java programming language even if youre an absolute beginner These tutorials will help you start learning quickly and easily. Java2s. com Emailinfo at java2s. Demo Source and Support. All rights reserved. This chapter also covers reflection, the ability to find out more about classes and their properties in a running program. Reflection is a powerful feature, but it is undeniably complex. Because reflection is of greater interest to tool builders than to application programmers, you can probably glance over that part of the chapter upon first reading and come back to it later. Lets return to the Employee class that we discussed in the previous chapter. Suppose alas you work for a company at which managers are treated differently from other employees. Managers are, of course, just like employees in many respects. Both employees and managers are paid a salary. Roxio Cd Burner Driver'>Roxio Cd Burner Driver. However, while employees are expected to complete their assigned tasks in return for receiving their salary, managers get bonuses if they actually achieve what they are supposed to do. This is the kind of situation that cries out for inheritance. Why Well, you need to define a new class, Manager, and add functionality. But you can retain some of what you have already programmed in the Employee class, and all the fields of the original class can be preserved. More abstractly, there is an obvious is a relationship between Manager and Employee. Every manager is an employee This isa relationship is the hallmark of inheritance. Here is how you define a Manager class that inherits from the Employee class. You use the Java keyword extends to denote inheritance. Manager extends Employee. The keyword extends indicates that you are making a new class that derives from an existing class. The existing class is called the superclass, base class, or parent class. The new class is called the subclass, derived class, or child class. The terms superclass and subclass are those most commonly used by Java programmers, although some programmers prefer the parentchild analogy, which also ties in nicely with the inheritance theme. The Employee class is a superclass, but not because it is superior to its subclass or contains more functionality. In fact, the opposite is true subclasses have more functionality than their super classes. For example, as you will see when we go over the rest of the Manager class code, the Manager class encapsulates more data and has more functionality than its superclass Employee. Our Manager class has a new field to store the bonus, and a new method to set it class Manager extends Employee. Bonusdouble b. bonus b. There is nothing special about these methods and fields. If you have a Manager object, you can simply apply the set. Bonus method. Manager boss. Bonus5. 00. 0 Of course, if you have an Employee object, you cannot apply the set. Bonus methodit is not among the methods that are defined in the Employee class. However, you can use methods such as get. Name and get. Hire. Day with Manager objects. Even though these methods are not explicitly defined in the Manager class, they are automatically inherited from the Employee superclass. Similarly, the fields name, salary, and hire. Day are inherited from the superclass. Every Manager object has four fields name, salary, hire. Day, and bonus. When defining a subclass by extending its superclass, you only need to indicate the differences between the subclass and the superclass. When designing classes, you place the most general methods into the superclass and more specialized methods in the subclass. Factoring out common functionality by moving it to a superclass is common in object oriented programming. However, some of the superclass methods are not appropriate for the Manager subclass. In particular, the get. Salary method should return the sum of the base salary and the bonus. You need to supply a new method to override the superclass method class Manager extends Employee. Salary. How can you implement this method At first glance, it appears to be simplejust return the sum of the salary and bonus fields public double get. Salary. return salary bonus wont work. However, that wont work. The get. Salary method of the Manager class has no direct access to the private fields of the superclass. This means that the get. Salary method of the Manager class cannot directly access the salary field, even though every Manager object has a field called salary. Only the methods of the Employee class have access to the private fields. If the Manager methods want to access those private fields, they have to do what every other method doesuse the public interface, in this case, the public get. Salary method of the Employee class. So, lets try this again. You need to call get. Salary instead of simply accessing the salary field. Salary. double base. Salary get. Salary still wont work. Salary bonus. The problem is that the call to get. Salary simply calls itself, because the Manager class has a get. Salary method namely, the method we are trying to implement. The consequence is an infinite set of calls to the same method, leading to a program crash. We need to indicate that we want to call the get. Salary method of the Employee superclass, not the current class. You use the special keyword super for this purpose. Ssis Dynamically Create Files. The callsuper. get. Salarycalls the get. Salary method of the Employee class. Here is the correct version of the get. Salary method for the Manager class public double get. Salary. double base. Salary super. get. Salary. return base. Salary bonus. As you saw, a subclass can add fields, and it can add or override methods of the superclass. However, inheritance can never take away any fields or methods. Finally, let us supply a constructor. ManagerString n, double s, int year, int month, int day. Here, the keyword super has a different meaning. Simple Program for Exception Handling Divide by zero Using C Programming. Definitionperform exception handling for Divide by zero Exception. Exception Handling Divide by zero AlgorithmSteps Step 1 Start the program. Step 2 Declare the variables a,b,c. Step 3 Read the values a,b,c. Step 4 Inside the try block check the condition. Step 5 Catch the exception and display the appropriate message. Step 6 Stop the program. Exception Handling Divide by zero Example Programincludelt iostream. Enter the value of a. Enter the value of b. Enter the value of c. Result is lt lt d. Answer is infinite because a b is lt lt i. Sample Output. Enter the value for a 2. Enter the value for b 2. Enter the value for c 4.