Santa Claus In Trouble-

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Santa Claus In Trouble-' title='Santa Claus In Trouble-' />A variety works for Windows in several categories. Includes reviews, and ratings, and screen shots. Get a free Santa call from SantasPhoneCalls. Delight your child with a free call from the real Santa today or order a premium live Santa call. At Lapland Letters, we specialise in a letter from Santa and Christmas Gifts, delivered across the UK and Worldwide too. When we carefully compare the myth of Santa Claus versus the real Biblical story of Jesus Christ, we are presented with the shocking truth that Santa has been. A Kidnapped Santa Claus by L. Frank Baum     Well, these Daemons of the Caves, thinking they had great cause to dislike old Santa Claus, held a meeting one day to discuss the matter. Im really getting lonesome, said the Daemon of Selfishness. For Santa Claus distributes so many pretty Christmas gifts to all the children that they become happy and generous, through his example, and keep away from my cave. Im having the same trouble, rejoined the Daemon of Envy. The little ones seem quite content with Santa Claus, and there are few, indeed, that I can coax to become envious. And that makes it bad for me declared the Daemon of Hatred. For if no children pass through the Caves of Selfishness and Envy, none can get to MY cavern. Or to mine, added the Daemon of Malice. Santa Claus In Trouble-' title='Santa Claus In Trouble-' />Santa Claus In Trouble-The Lapland Holiday Experts. We are Lapland Holiday experts in both day trips and overnight holidays to visit Santa Claus in Lapland, Finland. Featuring all major. Printable template and instructions for a santa paper craft suitable for preschool, kindergarten and gradeschool kids. For my part, said the Daemon of Repentance, it is easily seen that if children do not visit your caves they have no need to visit mine so that I am quite as neglected as you are. And all because of this person they call Santa Claus exclaimed the Daemon of Envy. He is simply ruining our business, and something must be done at once. To this they readily agreed but what to do was another and more difficult matter to settle. They knew that Santa Claus worked all through the year at his castle in the Laughing Valley, preparing the gifts he was to distribute on Christmas Eve and at first they resolved to try to tempt him into their caves, that they might lead him on to the terrible pitfalls that ended in destruction. So the very next day, while Santa Claus was busily at work, surrounded by his little band of assistants, the Daemon of Selfishness came to him and said      These toys are wonderfully bright and pretty. Why do you not keep them for yourself Its a pity to give them to those noisy boys and fretful girls, who break and destroy them so quickly. Nonsense cried the old graybeard, his bright eyes twinkling merrily as he turned toward the tempting Daemon. The boys and girls are never so noisy and fretful after receiving my presents, and if I can make them happy for one day in the year I am quite content. So the Daemon went back to the others, who awaited him in their caves, and said      I have failed, for Santa Claus is not at all selfish. The following day the Daemon of Envy visited Santa Claus. Said he The toy shops are full of playthings quite as pretty as those you are making. What a shame it is that they should interfere with your business They make toys by machinery much quicker than you can make them by hand and they sell them for money, while you get nothing at all for your work. But Santa Claus refused to be envious of the toy shops. I can supply the little ones but once a year on Christmas Eve, he answered for the children are many, and I am but one. And as my work is one of love and kindness I would be ashamed to receive money for my little gifts. But throughout all the year the children must be amused in some way, and so the toy shops are able to bring much happiness to my little friends. I like the toy shops, and am glad to see them prosper. In spite of the second rebuff, the Daemon of Hatred thought he would try to influence Santa Claus. So the next day he entered the busy workshop and said      Good morning, Santa I have bad news for you. Then run away, like a good fellow, answered Santa Claus. Bad news is something that should be kept secret and never told. Automation Studio Hydraulic Library here. You cannot escape this, however, declared the Daemon for in the world are a good many who do not believe in Santa Claus, and these you are bound to hate bitterly, since they have so wronged you. Stuff and rubbish cried Santa. And there are others who resent your making children happy and who sneer at you and call you a foolish old rattlepate You are quite right to hate such base slanderers, and you ought to be revenged upon them for their evil words. But I dont hate em exclaimed Santa Claus positively. Such people do me no real harm, but merely render themselves and their children unhappy. Poor things Id much rather help them any day than injure them. Indeed, the Daemons could not tempt old Santa Claus in any way. On the contrary, he was shrewd enough to see that their object in visiting him was to make mischief and trouble, and his cheery laughter disconcerted the evil ones and showed to them the folly of such an undertaking. So they abandoned honeyed words and determined to use force. It was well known that no harm can come to Santa Claus while he is in the Laughing Valley, for the fairies, and ryls, and knooks all protect him. But on Christmas Eve he drives his reindeer out into the big world, carrying a sleighload of toys and pretty gifts to the children and this was the time and the occasion when his enemies had the best chance to injure him. So the Daemons laid their plans and awaited the arrival of Christmas Eve. The moon shone big and white in the sky, and the snow lay crisp and sparkling on the ground as Santa Claus cracked his whip and sped away out of the Valley into the great world beyond. The roomy sleigh was packed full with huge sacks of toys, and as the reindeer dashed onward our jolly old Santa laughed and whistled and sang for very joy. For in all his merry life this was the one day in the year when he was happiest the day he lovingly bestowed the treasures of his workshop upon the little children. It would be a busy night for him, he well knew. As he whistled and shouted and cracked his whip again, he reviewed in mind all the towns and cities and farmhouses where he was expected, and figured that he had just enough presents to go around and make every child happy. The reindeer knew exactly what was expected of them, and dashed along so swiftly that their feet scarcely seemed to touch the snow covered ground. Suddenly a strange thing happened a rope shot through the moonlight and a big noose that was in the end of it settled over the arms and body of Santa Claus and drew tight. Before he could resist or even cry out he was jerked from the seat of the sleigh and tumbled head foremost into a snowbank, while the reindeer rushed onward with the load of toys and carried it quickly out of sight and sound. Such a surprising experience confused old Santa for a moment, and when he had collected his senses he found that the wicked Daemons had pulled him from the snowdrift and bound him tightly with many coils of the stout rope. And then they carried the kidnapped Santa Claus away to their mountain, where they thrust the prisoner into a secret cave and chained him to the rocky wall so that he could not escape. Ha, ha laughed the Daemons, rubbing their hands together with cruel glee. What will the children do now How they will cry and scold and storm when they find there are no toys in their stockings and no gifts on their Christmas trees And what a lot of punishment they will receive from their parents, and how they will flock to our Caves of Selfishness, and Envy, and Hatred, and Malice We have done a mighty clever thing, we Daemons of the Caves      Now it so chanced that on this Christmas Eve the good Santa Claus had taken with him in his sleigh Nuter the Ryl, Peter the Knook, Kilter the Pixie, and a small fairy named Wisk his four favorite assistants. Santa Games. org Santa Claus Games.